Identity Providers


Identity Providers are user registries that can be used to signin users into Opal. The OpenID Connect protocol is used to perform the authentication delegation: Opal has no access to user credentials, only basic user information is retrieved. An example of open source identity provider is Keycloak.

The only requirement is that the Identity Provider server exposes an OpenID Connect configuration discovery entry point. Usually it takes the form of: (see Google Accounts or ORCID examples).

Personal Access Tokens

Because of the redirect of the user to the original OpenID Connect server login page, this authentication realm is not suitable for scripting/command line tools such as R, Python etc. The solution for a user defined in that kind of realm is to create one or more personal API access tokens (see My Profile) to perform authentication in scripting clients.


Add ID Provider

Open a form dialog to specify the connection details to the ID provider.

There are some required fields:

The optional fields are:

  • Label is a human-readable name that will be displayed in the provider’s signin button in the login page. If missing, the name of the ID provider will be used.
  • Account Login address allows the user to go to it’s personal profile page in the ID provider interface (to chenge its password for instance) from the Opal login page.
  • Groups are the group that are to be automatically applied to any users signing in through this ID provider.
  • Scope is the scope value(s) to be sent to the ID provider to initiate the OpenID Connect dialog. This is provider dependent but usually openid is enough.
  • Username Mapping is an optional field name in the UserInfo object which value will represent the Opal user name.
  • Groups Mapping by Claim value is an optional field name in the UserInfo object (that is returned by the ID provider) that contains the group names to which the user belongs. These will be automatically applied to the user’s profile. Such field is not one of the standard claims and needs to be explicitly set. The expected value type associated to this claim is either an array of strings, or a string which group names are separated by spaces (or commas). In the case of Agate, the groups claim name is groups.
  • Groups Mapping by Javascript is an optional Javascript code chunk that will process the UserInfo object to extract a group name or an array of group names to which the Opal user will belong.

More advanced options are:

  • Nonce to validate ID token with Nonce. Uncheck this option when Agate is used as a ID provider.
  • Connect Timeout is the maximum time to wait before a connection is established, in milliseconds. Zero implies no timeout (default).
  • Read Timeout is the maximum time to wait before a response is received, in milliseconds. Zero implies no timeout (default).
  • Public URL, in case Opal is accessible from different public URLs, it is possible to specify which one is to be used for this ID provider. When not specified, the system’s public URL applies. Note that this ID provider will be only visible when Opal base URL matches this public URL.


To register Opal as a client of the OIDC provider it will be necessary to provide its callback URL which is:


Remove the ID provider. This does not affect the user profiles that may have been created through this provider and this does not remove the permissions specific to this provider that may have been applied.


Open the ID provider form dialog. Name cannot be changed (see Duplicate operation instead).


On creation an ID provider is disabled, which means that the corresponding Signin button is not shown in the login page.


Open an ID provider form dialog prefilled with the original provider’s values (except for the name).