
Appends (adds at the end) a value to a value to produce a value sequence. Also accepts a value sequence as input, in which case, both sequences are concatenated to produce a single one (it does not produce a sequence of sequence).

If the value being added is not of the same type as the sequence, it will be converted to the sequence’s type. If the conversion fails, an exception is thrown.

If the sequence is null or empty, this method returns a new sequence containing the parameter(s) (this part is different from push). If the parameter is null, a null value is appended.

See also insertAt, prepend, push.


append(value [,value])
Parameter Description
value The value(s) to append to the sequence


// Add a value to a sequence, then compute the average of the resulting sequence

// Append several values to a value to produce the sequence: a, b, c, null
newValue('a').append('b', 'c', null);

// Append several values to a value sequence to produce the sequence: a, b, c, d, null
newSequence(['a', 'b']).append('c', 'd', null);