Backup Project

The project backup task has a limited scope: tables (dictionary and data export), views (either as a logical table or as an exported table), resources, files and report templates. Other project elements that are not part of the backup: user and group permissions, view change history, table analysis, report executions etc.

opal backup-project <CREDENTIALS> [OPTIONS] [XTRAS]


Option Description
--project PROJECT, -pr PROJECT Source project name
--archive ARCHIVE, -ar ARCHIVE Archive directory path in the Opal file system
--views-as-tables, -vt Treat views as tables, i.e. export data instead of keeping derivation scripts (default is false)
--force, -f Force overwriting an existing backup folder


Authentication can be done by username/password credentials OR by personal access token OR by certificate/private key pair (two-way SSL authentication).

Option Description
--opal OPAL, -o OPAL Opal server base url
--user USER, -u USER Credentials auth: user name (requires a password)
--password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD Credentials auth: user password (requires a user name)
--token TOKEN, -tk TOKEN Token auth: user’s personal access token
--ssl-cert SSL_CERT, -sc SSL_CERT Two-way SSL auth: certificate/public key file (requires a private key)
--ssl-key SSL_KEY, -sk SSL_KEY Two-way SSL auth: private key file (requires a certificate)


Option Description
-h, --help Show the command help’s message.
--verbose, -v Verbose output.
--json, -j Output pretty-print JSON


Backup a specific project from a project, wait for the task to complete and download the archive as an encrypted zip file:

opal backup-project --opal --user administrator --password password --project CNSIM --archive /home/administrator/backup/CNSIM | opal task --opal --user administrator --password password --wait && opal file --opal --user administrator --password password --download-password foobar123 /home/administrator/backup/CNSIM >