How to NOT Import Data

There are different reasons why one would not import data into Opal:

  • data are too large (timepoint series, genomes etc.)

  • data are not tabular (linkage, multidimensional etc.)

  • data cannot be extracted because they are linked to their computation environment (HPC, big data cluster etc.)

  • data are already stored in a database that is kept updated

  • data are not data (!) but computation services

Opal offers the alternative of using Resources, combined with the resourcer R package. See also the chapter Orchestrating privacy-protected big data analyses of data from different resources with R and DataSHIELD: The Resources.

The general procedure is the following:


  1. [optional] Design your own resource resolver/client in a R package, if the resourcer does not cover your needs, and make sure the R server(s) have this package installed

  2. Declare the resources in a Opal project and apply appropriate access permissions

  3. Use the resource from R/DataSHIELD in a R server

Step 1 - [optional] Design your Resource Resolver Package

The resourcer R package provides some of the most common resource resolvers (tidy files, databases and shell). Depending on the nature of your data and/or the location of these data, it may be necessary to design your own R package that extends the resourcer capabilities.

The dsOmics R/DataSHIELD package is an example of an R/DataSHIELD package that provides its own resource Resolvers. More specifically, dsOmics uses the Genomic Data Structure (GDS) file format for storing large, higly dimensional data on which computation can be done with a low memory footprint. It can also convert a Variant Call Format (VCF) file to a GDS one. As a reference, see the example code:

  • GDSFileResourceResolver.R implements the GDS/VCF file resolver class,

  • GDSFileResourceClient.R implements the GDS/VCF file client that downloads the file and establishes a GDS connection object,

  • zzz.R registers the package’s specific resolvers on library load,

  • resource.js declares and documents the handled resources, so that Opal can discover them, generate corresponding resource creation forms, and load the R library before resource assignment in the R server.

Once the package is built, it needs to be installed in the Opal’s R server(s).

Using Docker

In order to have a reproducible production environment, it is recommended to prepare a Docker image of the R server including your new package. See the Step 1 - Prepare Docker Images documentation in the R server profiles documentation.

From Administration Page

The package must be available in the official CRAN repository or in a GitHub source code repository or in Bioconductor repository.


  1. Go to Administration > R page

  2. Select the default R servers cluster

  3. Select Packages tab

  4. Press Install and follow instructions of Install package

  5. Repeat for other R server clusters

Using R

In addition to the operations that can be performed from the web page, it is possible to upload a local R package to Opal directly using the oadmin.install_local_package() function. See also the other oadmin.install* functions.

Step 2 - Declare Resource in Opal

If the resource access is protected by credentials, it is recommended that these credentials have data read-only permission and/or have limited allowed operations. For example, use Two-factor Authentication to access a file stored in Opal, use a SQL view for a accessing a SQL database table etc.

From Project Page


  1. Go to the project’s page and select the Resources tab

  2. Press Add Resource and select the Category (nature of the resource) and the Type (service or data format and location) of the resource

  3. Fill in the connection form: Parameters and Credentials, and Save

  4. [optional] From the created resource page, press Test to try resource assignment in the default R server. This will check if the R resource resolver can be found, but will not establish a connection with the resource

Using R

A resource can be added to a project by a simple function call, assuming that you know how to express the URL to the resource:

# load opal library
# connect to the opal server
o <- opal.login(username = "administrator", password = 'password', url = '')

# create an Opal file based resource
opal.resource_create(o, "RSRC", "CNSIM3",
  url = "opal+",
  format = "csv", secret = "EeTtQGIob6haio5bx6FUfVvIGkeZJfGq")

# to test the resource assignment and its resolution
opal.assign.resource(o, "client", "RSRC.CNSIM3")
opal.execute(o, "class(client)")


Step 3 - Use the Resources

Unlike working with an Opal table (which R assignment is straightforward), when using an Opal resource reference the data/services are made accessible after the following operations:

  1. assign Opal’s resource reference to the R server and make a resource Client object: this object does not establish the connection with the resource yet but has the appropriate code to do it

  2. Either coerce the resource Client object to a data.frame (if the data have a tabular representation) and/or execute Client’s specific data extraction/computation functions (e.g. execute a remote shell command or perform some computation on a specific data structure etc.).

For coercing to the tabular representation of a resource, use the function (that is DataSHIELD compatible) on the resource Client object.

Using R

See Using R documentation for setting up the R client.

# load opal library
# connect to the opal server
o <- opal.login(username = "administrator", password = 'password', url = '')

# list resources in a project
opal.resources(o, "RSRC")

# assign a SQL database resource client
opal.assign.resource(o, "client", "RSRC.CNSIM1")
# coerce to a data.frame (tibble) and compute summary
opal.assign.script(o, "data", quote(
opal.execute(o, "summary(data)")

# assign a SSH resource client
opal.assign.resource(o, "sshClient", "RSRC.brge_plink")
# execute a shell command
opal.execute(o, "sshClient$exec('ls')")


Using DataSHIELD

Given the power of the resources, DataSHIELD is a better analysis environment for securing the access to the resource’s data and capabilities. See Using DataSHIELD documentation.

builder <- DSI::newDSLoginBuilder()
# connect to 'study1' on its 'default' profile
builder$append(server = "study1",  url = "",
           user = "dsuser", password = "password")
logindata <- builder$build()
conns <- DSI::datashield.login(logins = logindata)

# list resources available

# assign a resource client
datashield.assign.resource(conns, "client", "RSRC.CNSIM1")
# coerce to a (raw) data.frame and get summary
datashield.assign.expr(conns, "data", quote(, strict = TRUE)))
