Execute a SQL query on one or more tables of a project. Permission to access values of these tables is required.

See more SQL query examples in the Project Tables SQL section.





--project PROJECT, -pr PROJECT

Source project name, that will be used to resolve the table names in the FROM statement. If not provided, the fully qualified table names must be specified in the query (escaped by backquotes: `<project>.<table>`).

--query QUERY, -q QUERY

The SQL query

--format FORMAT, -f FORMAT

The format of the output, can be json or csv. Default is csv.

--id-name ID_NAME, -in ID_NAME

Name of the ID column name. Default is _id.


Authentication can be done by username/password credentials OR by personal access token OR by certificate/private key pair (two-way SSL authentication).



--opal OPAL, -o OPAL

Opal server base url

--user USER, -u USER

Credentials auth: user name (requires a password)

--password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD

Credentials auth: user password (requires a user name)

--token TOKEN, -tk TOKEN

Token auth: user’s personal access token

--ssl-cert SSL_CERT, -sc SSL_CERT

Two-way SSL auth: certificate/public key file (requires a private key)

--ssl-key SSL_KEY, -sk SSL_KEY

Two-way SSL auth: private key file (requires a certificate)




-h, --help

Show the command help’s message.

--verbose, -v

Verbose output.

--json, -j

Output pretty-print JSON


Simple SQL query with CSV output:

opal sql --opal https://opal-demo.obiba.org --user administrator --password password --project CNSIM --query "select * from CNSIM1 limit 10"

Simple SQL query with JSON output:

opal sql --opal https://opal-demo.obiba.org --user administrator --password password --project CNSIM --query "select * from CNSIM1 limit 10" --format json

More advanced SQL query:

opal sql --opal https://opal-demo.obiba.org --user administrator --password password --project CNSIM --query "select count(*) as N, avg(LAB_HDL) as HDL_AVG, GENDER from (select * from CNSIM1 union all select * from CNSIM2) where LAB_HDL is not null group by GENDER"

Simple SQL query with CSV output and without specifying a project in the arguments:

opal sql --opal https://opal-demo.obiba.org --user administrator --password password --query "select * from `CNSIM.CNSIM1` limit 10"

You can also escape the backticks (`) when executing from a Linux terminal (Bash)

opal sql --opal https://opal-demo.obiba.org --user administrator --password password --query "select * from \`CNSIM.CNSIM1\` limit 10"